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Baby Toni is now in our inventory!

     The Big Horn Basin Dinosaur and Geoscience Museum (BHBDGM) in Greybull, Wyoming announces that, because of a generous $25,000 grant from the Big Horn Rural Electric Company (REA), it now has the funds to acquire “Baby Toni”, the only fully articulated, 95% complete in terms of bone count, baby sauropod known to science. The BHBDGM now has on order, or in its possession, casts of 24 extremely rare allosaur eggs, which will be part of a reconstructed allosaur nest found between Greybull and Shell, as well as casts of a juvenile allosaur (Al Junior), and the most complete adult allosaur (Big Al 2) ever discovered. All of these fossils were found in sites/quarries in the Greybull Shell area. 

     The BHBDGM has, since mid-December of 2023 when it launched its “Bring Em’Home” capital campaign, raised just under $194,000 of its initial fund-raising goal of $400,000 to obtain world class Jurassic fossils found in the Greybull-Shell area.  The effort now has its sights set on acquiring its last two museum quality casts; “Sarah/Sophie” and “HQ1”. Sarah/Sophie is the world’s most complete Stegosaurus (original currently resides in the London Museum of Natural History) found at Red Canyon Quarry north of Shell and HQ1, a composited Diplodocus found at the Howe-Stephens Quarry (original on display in Switzerland and possibly the adult version of Baby Toni). 




Welcome to the website for the Big Horn Basin Dinosaur and Geoscience

Museum. We aren’t a brick-and-mortar building but rather a group of local

paleontology and geology enthusiasts and scientists who want to create a dinosaur museum in

Greybull, Wyoming. Working with the local Town of Greybull, our organization is

seeking funding to acquire museum-quality casts of some of the most spectacular

dinosaurs in the world that were found right in our own backyard.


All of the major fossil discoveries made in our area, including Big Al 2, the world’s

most complete Allosaurus (a large meat-eating dinosaur that was the distant

cousin to the Tyrannosaurs rex) and “Sarah/Sophie” one of the three most

complete Stegosaurs (plant-eating dinosaurs with large boney plates on its back

and spikes on its tail) reside in some of the best dinosaur museums in the world,

but not here in Big Horn County. However, we are working to change that.


As a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, we are dedicated to bringing back at least

a part of the science and discoveries that have made our area famous amongst

paleontologists. We hope, as you visit our website, that you can imagine some of

the ancient Jurassic world that our dinosaurs and ancient marine reptiles once

lived in and appreciate the beauty and scientific importance of these discoveries.


Please join us in helping to bring back a part of what our area has lost, and

consider supporting our efforts to educate people of their significance and to

expand our collection of fossils and casts and to find a bigger home for their

display. Help us “Bring’em Home.”



Welcome to the website for the Big Horn Basin Dinosaur and Geoscience Museum. 

Please check our website frequently as we will be constantly updating it and bringing you news about our capital campaign and interesting geology and paleontology topics important to our area.

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