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Our Funding Goal

BHBDGM hope to raise $500,000 for these seven catagories 

Big Al 2

$100,000 (100% Funded)

World's most complete Allosaurus.


$100,000 (0% Funded)

One of the world’s most complete Stegosaurs.

Diplodocid HQ 1

$142,000 (0% Funded)

A species of long-neck sauropod.

Baby Toni

$25,000 (0% Funded)

A rare and nearly complete juvenile sauropod.


$73,000 (0% Funded)

Displays and background materials to explain the fossils and their discovery.


Help Support Us

Are you interested in helping preserve the history of Big Horn County and the incredible creatures that once roamed our lands? Your generous donations make it possible for us to continue expanding our collection of museum-quality fossils and displays.

Welcome to the website for the Big Horn Basin Dinosaur and Geoscience Museum. 

Please check our website frequently as we will be constantly updating it and bringing you news about our capital campaign and interesting geology and paleontology topics important to our area.

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