How to Donate
Donations can be made via personal check made out to Big Horn Basin Dinosaur and Geoscience Museum and mailed to 1802 US Highway 14E, Shell, WY 82441. Alternatively, donations can be made via PayPal (see DONATE link below). Other donations can be in the form of cash, stocks, or cryptocurrency. Non-cash donations will be sold upon donation and valued at market. Donation receipts for tax purposes will be provided to donors. Donations via Donor Advised Funds are acceptable. If you have questions, please contact us at info.bighornbasindinos.org.
We gratefully accept donations in any amount, however donations larger than $1,000.00 will be visually acknowledged in the context of the displays assigned to the dinosaurs for which the donation was designated.
The Big Horn Basin Dinosaur & Geoscience Museum (BHBDGM) is an established 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation and contributions are tax-deductible.